(This is a little 'pimpted up'' version of my first call out)
I would like to share something... and i m looking for people to join me :-)
Being a truthseeker, i came across this video..
I really dont know if what the man is saying is true (you can hardly know, now a days..) But leylines being misused by the cabal is for me an absolute fact.
And it di made me to think..What, what can we do ??
Than popped up something in my mind.wich is absolutely weird but also absolutely worth a try!
Years ago i came in contact with the saisanjeevini healing methode..
It works with healing frequenties and water.
The only thing you have to do is print the frequenty cards and put some water on it,
the water will take on the frequenties.
When you have a look at it, you will see, this is an absolute weird methode!
But it works!
A litler bit about this methode:
The first part contains the frequenties for all the different bodyparts, ( if i make a healing freguentie for somebody i always put the wholebody in it (BPS 54). The second part (DS1 - DS 186) are mostly about physical dis-eases, but also mental disturbanties.
The tirth part(DS 187- DS 238) is relatively new and handles more the mental/spiritual issues, it has wonderfull frequenties!
The saisanjeevini had alreaddy made a list with 60 different standard combinations, you can find them in the S- list. I've made them all, it is a little bit of work but it pays off !!
I added the 60 with a couple of my own combinations. :-)
The most beautifull part of this methode is that it ll cost you near to nothing !!
The reason that i share some of my stories is that i have SEEN it work!
I will tell you 2 stories of my experiences.. and im standing in absolute truth wile sharing this..A friend of mine had an operation and the veins (wich go up) were taken out of her legs (only the idea..brrr, still gives me the creeps) her legs were verry swollen and the dokter told her she had to take the legs up for at least 3 months.. i uploaded ( via this sanjeevini methode) water for her..(bottles remained closed.. still puzzles her :-) .. within 3 days the swelling was gone and she walked around as if nothing happend..(and yes, she is willing to "testify"..)
Another friend of mine had always horrible premenstrual problems..via this methode i uplaoded a glasperle* so she could make her own water. because the methode was quit new for me and i didnt really knew what i was doing, i did put also the frequenty for obedesia in it.. (i thought well that does no harm.., and i didnt think about it anymore.) i had to go to my home country and stayed away for 2 months..When i came back she d lost enormous weight ! And was at a perfect level..BUT she. nor her surrounding did know what was happening! (and i forgot to tell) her grandma was verry wurried.. you have to go to a dokter ! she did, nothing wrong (she felt great) When i saw her i thought Hola Madonna..I have to tell her! Nextday i said to her ..i have to tell you something.. and i told het the story..Ow.. That explaines.. A vew days later we were at a party, also her brother was there.. You ..go and tell my brother.. she said to me..oh no, i said .. do i really have to?? Yes yes.. your idea.. go and tell him.. well i did.. i have to tell you something.. i said,..about Nadia.. her loosing weight..eh.. eh.. well eh well i did an experiment on her .. WHAT !?! he shouted verry confused..(he had been also verry wurried) ""You did an experiment con ""la MIA Nadia???"" ( Nadia is his only sister.. sometimes we still laugh about this story..) it was not easy to explain.. (Nadia told me she is also willing to "testify") .
Prominent part of the sanjeevini methode are the broadcast card, and the
neutralisation card. They both work!
I use the broadcast card also to upload windows with tachion energy..
(and a special kind of mix l created, on wich i ve been working for a few years now :-)
..When you try this and you leave the card at the window for at least an half hour you can see it for yourself !!
It is much more shining and transparant..
"claening windows was never that easy !"
and they radiate the energy you put in
how many daydreams i had how it would change the world
using this on a massive scale !
A story about the neutralisation card/symbol: One time i did go to my home country in a bit of a hurry, in put my cristals and cristalwork in the car..and after plusminus a half an hour i realized: Oh, Bleep, NO !!! .. I did put a A3 seize neutralisation card UNDER the southcase with my cristals.. i made a stop as soon as possible.. but..
The damage was done.. at home i find al my work was gone ! Nothing anymore..i had a soutcase full of hours of work and of verry expensive but now worthles glass! I had to start al over again..now i am quit paranoia about that symbol..
I know this all sounds silly,
but if i didn't truly, truly believe in it i wouldn't put it out here..
So now,.. .
NOW i can get to the idea i had..
We re gonna print as much of maps or google earth fotos of the area used as power centres by the cabal. and we re gonna put on all the mayor point these neutralisation cards! Another ''lethal combination'' for the cabal would be the frequenties of truth and love. My priority list would be : on top: The Vatican & CERN, and than all the places the Pope is gonna visit in september, and the other well known places..
But WHAT IF there were 10 of us doing that, or image hundred !
...Or even a thousant....!!.
I m SURE it WOULD make a difference.. their plans would be a lot harder (if not impossible) to implement .. and their black magic grid, carefully constructed overal these years would be near to worthles!!. and with a ley line map we also could boost up the leyline system by putting ""love"" on it or cosmic power, release of blockages ect....
I know this is quit a long post, but i had to make the intro..
because else nobody is gonna believe me right ??
If you are in the possession of a tachyon crystal please try to upload a window or mirrow and see for yourself !!
After that please consider this idea of NEUTRALIZING the CABAL and their PLANNES..and put new loving energy in to the earth..Be creative..! With this methode everybody can bring his own mix in! I KNOW we can do this.. we re warriors right ? The play time of the cabal is really, really OVER!
and the good news is i am already not alone anymore!
Thanks to Mia (who was the first person who reacted and who is gonna join)
Also Veronica Keen and some of her Leyline group are going to use the sanjeevini frequenties to unlock the energy grid !!!!!!!
There is always this small line between 'making of fool of yourself'' and 'the greater good'' but i am so gratefull for these developments..
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