Call to Action

''The Cabal uses the ley line energy for evil control.

This energy is yours by right.

You are entitled to take it back, so you can create peace and harmony.''

                                                                      Montaque Keen, september 13, 2015

I am just returned from a bliksem trip to... IRELAND !!

It was a most amazing experience with wonderfull people, all joined together  to get the planet and all living on it back on track !! That is why i couldnt upload anything..

But here it is !!


Also this one is cheap and easy to make.. Please join..

Please join.. This can't be any easier..! 

This can't be any easier..! Please join..

All you ve got to do is print the cards ( grayscale at the Pope pagina) and fold it !

and the healing frequenties will start working !

(If it feels better or stronger you can also cut the print in half and put them on top of each other, printed sites has to tough each other)


The Leyline and Mother Earth healing serie you will find at the emergency serie page!


This site is specialy made to neutralize the power centres of the cabal and to boost up the original energy grid of OUR planet earth. 

For personal healing frequenties you are advised to go to the original Saisanjeevini site  and use the buttons  for easy access to these frequenty cards. the direct links are placed at the right of this page.

this site is still under construction and lacks a lot of information wich will be placed on it as soon as possible!

 If you do have additional information, maps of leylines, suggestions or questions, please use the comment (reactie) forms.


WARNING: All texts are drafts, and will contain spelling and grammar mistakes...

The good thing about grammar and spelling errors..

Artificial Inteligence CANT create for itself..

Its data base is totally depending on  human creativity

All digital expression (creativity) is collected by this A.I .

Artificial Inteligence  has a problem with grammar and spelling errors.. therefor CANNOT put it in its database... :-)

(Thanks to J,C, and G,D, for pointing this out to me)

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I am not verry experienced in making website and i stiil have to discover how i can react on your reactions..BUT .. THANK you so much for your reactions !!! It is really my pleasure !! 

it was impossible for me to translate form into englisch.. but ´´bericht´´ means ´´ message´´ ...